haha. Though I can do better if I practiced enough, I was still happy that I joined the show. A good experience which I can remember practically my whole life. ^^
A picture of my mum n her fellow helpers with students of hers. The gal at the side is pretty right?
The concert was OK. It was kinda boring actually compared to last year. I don't know why I don't have the mood to smile during the whole show. I kept a SULKY look I think. Many little children was like: " why that Jie jie like that want, soo mad. I don't like her...." something like that. I didn't really played with any of them which breaks my earlier years of chain. Really don't know whats bothering me soo much. Haiz... Didn't took much photos either. This is due to my lacking of memory in my camera...ARRGH...Why didn't I delete more photos leh!!!But well, I wasn't in much of a mood in taking pictures anyway.
Yesterday, I was SOO tired. After leaving for Band's Farewell by 7 something, I came back only after 4 p.m. After that I took a few minutes nap and had to rush to cook nuggets for the gathering later that night. I came home after 11p.m. and had to go to sleep as I have to wake up quite early the next day for the concert.
The Farewell was quite good compared to last year's which was organized by my bach. Thumbs up for Form 3-s. They really planned well but somehow still lacking of something. Was disappointed that only two Junior representatives turned up for this event. Cheers for them. Juniors should come to events like this to know more about band. Anywayz I really admire the Form 3's talents and efforts a they only have 2 weeks to prepare.
A cute pic of Lemon in newspaper 'dress' and my group mates. He's soo CUTE!!!
Later that night, we went to city park to hold a gathering for our ex-s. The gathering had loose its purpose which was to have good time with the ex-s and spent more time knowing each other. But instead, we ended up chatting a little with many many others go and play with their own friends. And again, its kinda disappointing. We only played games with SOME ex-s which was fun and the other ex-s just sat down chatting among themselves no matter how many times we invite them to join us. Don't know they are like that. Haiz...I had missed my grandma's birthday dinner for this and had kinda regretted it. I meant a little. Somehow, deep down inside I think that I was a little happy that I joined them though.
Candle light word arrangement. Know what is it showing??
1 BAND 1 SOUND which is our band's slogan. Its soo pretty!!!
Thought that I'll miss the ex-s when they leave band but I didn't feel anything to tell the truth. We were mostly companions ONCE (some of us were committees toghther last year) and had been working together for the concert this year but I still felt nothing in the end of the gathering. At least for now.^^ Sad, don't you think??
I like my triple ex-s very very much. They were wonderful people. Inspiring me each and every practice. They were really really 'diam sui' as we band members would say.haha... Now, I'm still being aspired by them through the things they say and do. Missed those days very much. Not to say that practices now is bad but is because I like having ex-s which REALLY cares and to be there for all of us. Thats my thought though. I didn't mean that ex-s now doesn't care but this is hust what I feel. Very sorry if I offended someone.
I was kinda moved by something that 1 of the ex mentioned yesterday. He was soo kine to help one junior to raise to A-Band( means senior band) that he came back everyday to school even when his mother passed away. He cried imeadiately after that. This was my first time seeing him cry. I was soo shock to hear the news. He had always been a happy-go-lucky guy, playing a part which made him making people think that he is soo relaxed and is free from troubles. I almost cried knowing that his mother is no longer with him now. I cannot imagine a life without my mother and will not bare if this happens to me. And now, he is going through all this at young age really don't know how he made through it. He must had gone through many many hard times that period of time. How can he become someone soo good like he is today?? He is one of the ex which I liked to most and admired what he is capable to do with his hands. He really deserves credits for all of this. THANKS a million ex-instrument committee for being who you are today and for all the efforts that you had done. Hope that you'll prosper in the future. Your mother will be very proud of you!!!
Still got Moral folio undone and needs to be passed up tomorrow. Gotta burn mid-night oil today, again. Haiz... Tomorrow another new and busy day for me. Hope to get to play with 4M-s again. Still hoping to see a glimps of my sick friend. Happy birthday to my cousin and to my friends. May all the BEST things happens to you all.
Hey......Do you know who is treacher Mah?? I mean the teacher from TBSC, she is very old, I think she is going to retire soon, she is my relative...Hahahahahax
Ya..I know her..She your relative? But I don't think that she is still with TBSC already...Didn't see her for a long time...Haha...
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