Monday, August 31, 2009


This movie is called Daisy, 爱无间
Its about a sad love story which revolves the 3 characters:
A professional killer, an artist and a policemen.
Nice, sweet, cold-hearted but yet heart-breaking...
Something new for me.
The main theme is about the girl's message to the one she had been waiting for all these time...
The daisies look so pretty in this movie...
It holds the meaning of hidden love... Nice~
Love is so beautiful... so beautiful...

Watched G.I Joe-The rise of Cobra.
Its moderately nice.
Better than what I expected.
Still, love save the day...

Minutemen , a hilarious Disney movie.
About 3 high school kids who invented a time travelling machine...
They used the machine in defense of the kids who were being bullied
and tries to make things right by using the machine.
They came to a simple conclusion that most of us forgets:
" Every minute is essential as things can go wrong by any minute..."
Something like that, I think...^^
Anyway, this show is lots of fun!!!

btw, Happy National Day to all Malaysian!!! Its so nice to finally get to celebrate our country's 52th birthday!! Its time for us to cheer and be grateful of what we have today, as 52 years of independence is not easy. May our country have more upcoming birthdays in the future!! 1 Malaysia!! 1 Nation!! Please do show some patriotic spirit and let sing Negaraku aloud!!!

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku....Lolz...


Satu Suara-All stars

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