Can't believe it. I dislike plannings now. BIG TIME!!! (wanted to use de 'h' word actually, but then it will be against my beliefs...And I will become role model then..hehe) Nothing actually works nowadays. Plannings seemed so darn stupid and useless for me now. It stink a lot!!! Today's planning totally stink. At least I think so. So, back to the story, both of us didn't want to follow the guys anymore and decided to go visiting by ourselves. Its such a coincidence to bump into the other group of people who is also going visiting out of the blue and we followed them visiting. It must be faith. ( Really sorry KM and gang for causing such a big HUSH....) Am glad to follow them actually but for some reasons, I feel kinda bad leaving our former group as I felt like I had just ditched them...But anyway, that's just what we did and it happened already..
Saw something I don't think I should know. But I had know now. And felt like being cheated or something. They should at least tell me something la... A hint at least. Was kinda shocked when I saw it. Even my dear was shocked too. Is this what a friends should do??? Keeping BIG secrets like that??? And Pur-lease!!! stop acting as if no one see it, its kinda bad for children eyes. L will be damn sick to see it...haiz..Anyway, had always been expecting THIS to happen so it doesn't matter at all...
Anyway, had finally got to know where do some of my friends lives and how is their livestyle. For me this is the main aim for going visiting and not to get ANG PAU....So, guys, if you go visiting just to get more $, please cut all these crap. It just made New Year somehow unmeaningful and full of deception. Am quite pissed out when I heard that people go visiting to gain more $. Its so darn pathetic.
I had enough of visiting this year. It may be my last year of visiting people during new years making plans and so on. Am starting to be sick of it now. Feel as if I wanna puke now. Hope that this feeling will go away tomorrow coz there's another planning tomorrow. And that things will go as well as it should lar.... I **** plannings now!!!! DARN SICK!!!! Arrgh!!!! Guys, please make GOOD plannings and see the bigger picture whenever you want to do something. If not, it will end up being screwed up.
Am very happy to get to go visiting this year. I mean its for the whole week. Had so much fun which will definitely live in my memories for a long long time. Let me see, I think I went almost 14 houses in 2 days. What an achievement!!!!
1. KM for making such a wonderful plan which made me enjoyed most part of my new year...
2. CL for accompanying me the whole day today....
3. To everyone whom I went visiting with, the crowd and laughter meant the most...
4. My parents who allowed me to go out with my friends...
5. All the parents who gave good hospitality and supplying transportation for us...
6. Alvin & Charmain wh worried about most of the plannings...
7. Friends who is willing to open their door in a popping up out of the blue situation...
8. JS for willing to play guitar for me...I learned a lot!!!
9. God for everything that happened....
P.S. Am kinda looking forward for tomorrow's visiting...More Than Words is darn nice!!! ^^ Oh and Sha, your house & family definitely ROCKS!!!
What de? Worry about plannings o.0?
I scared you all turn my house upside down only ==
I totally agree with you that visiting others during CNY is not to get ang pau >_<.
Btw........who is KM?
Gotta blog now ==.........too much things need to be blogged now ^_^.
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