Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Walao...Finally finished cleaning my room... Really 'beh tahan' for a long long time already...But still I have to wait until just now to clean it...Haiz...Life is sometimes soo unsure...Whenever we have the mood to do something, we don't seem to have the time to do it....Whenever we have the time to do almost everything, we don't really feel like doing it...Why is life like that???

I almost died when I received my BM paper earlier in school...OMG!!!!!!!!Someone please help me!!!! My heart felt as if it will break into many many little pieces....Its very torturing receiving results like that...For my whole life, my BM had never ever reach 50 and below and now!? My mum & sis will kill me 'gou gou' if they know about this...Really no face to meet them already...'n'
But I managed to get over it shortly after that as its my duty today....More things to think and worry about...Haiz...Stuffs like this never end in my life...It just get fruitful from year by year....Juicier even when I not only had 1 but 2 or more things clashing into each other...How pathetic!!!
Though life doesn't seems to get better, something small ought to appear to catch my attention... I was kinda relived that I hadn't fail any subjects until now as it had been a habbit failing papers in times like this...I didn't fail my ADD MATHS!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!! And this goes to the same to my Physics... double-yahoo!!!!!!!!! And finally, I got a so-so result in my Maths which I'm quite satisfy with it...Haha....
I may seem to score good results in my finals, right??? But sorry to break the bubble. All of the subjects I mentioned before are among the lowest in the whole class...Ya , There is it...I've said it... I didn't do anyhow better than anyone at all...I may be hoovering around as This is the best results I've scored this year long... I've proved to myself that studying DO make a difference... I really had put some efforts in this exam to ensure that I will maintain in this class which I dearly like...I couldn't bear to even think of myself NOT being in this class now as I'm totally all on it...I like all my classmates and enjoyed their company throughout this whole year...I know that the chances of my leaving all of them is huge but I still can't bear to think about it....I'm scared that I can't face the real world if THIS do happen...I might as well bang my head against a wall all the time...(what weird thing to say in time like this...don't know how did it appear in my mind^^) I know that I'll face it SOMEDAY and is refusing to think any thing related to the issue now... All I'm doing now is to enjoy life with all of them and while Miss Choong is still around...(Miss Choong will be retire this year end with Miss Lai...Will sort of miss them not being around next year...) I might be the only one saying things like that in my class^^(what a weirdo I'm).

I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...
I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...
I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...
I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...
I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...I'm a bad gal...

Saying this many times doesn't help...haiz...
What can I do to make myself feel less guilty???
I know that I hadn't been a good gal at home...But I just can't help it...
The way I speak is the way I speak...
How am I suppose to change the way I speak???
I can't do it...Its hard to change a habbit that I'm used to all this years...
But I seriously don't want to make U sad...What can I do????

Am looking foward to the next trip out with my classmates... Already missing the fun we had on our last one... Am comforting myself and trying to control myself...I might become crazy if I'm very 'high' thinking about it...Haiz...what a Freak I'm.....

Also...craving to go to 《第十届国际中文书展》 in which RYNN is the 书香宣传大使... I WANNA GO!!! I REALLY WANNA GO THERE!!!

Bible Verse of the Day:

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)- Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


空。陵 said...

looks like u r having problem...
but unfortunately my english is much lower lvl than u i jus understand some of it .. hehe.. erm... the result may cause u a little bit down...but is like that de la... ppl only will growth when they having trouble.... erm.... and i m weird of one thing. what you means you have a huge chance of leaving? where you wanna go ?

ShyuanT said...

Umm..I meant that I might 跌班 next year. I might leave my classmates.
Haha..Thanks. I had already got over it, my results. By the way, Your English is fine its my language is bad. 我不善于表达。 Haha...