Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Roundest day of the Year

Haha, High mode now!
It's The mooncake festive!!
And every year round,
it will certainly put mua in a silly crazy mood...
Wonder why...
Maybe it's becoz of the candles or whatever else we do for the festival.
Lanterns, sortta childish, but does wonders to everyone.
A flicking candle, so bright but yet so mystery...
Yummy mooncake, a symbol of unity and harmony.. (It muz be sweet! XD)
Suddenly have the urge to cite a poem.. XDAdd Image
Every year, on this very day,
the charming lil' light of the candles summons..
leading me to the nice quiet area outside,
sitting in the midst of emptiness...
and just watching the lil' flame on the candles, flicking sideways,
makes me go wild..
A whole strain of colourful candles,
lying along the pathway, burning in peace...
where the calming wind keenly tries to blow out every spark on the pieces of wax,
but yet, the stong ones, survived...
Mr. Big round moon, hanging in the sky,
inspiring every soul beneath it,
with it's charm and glow...
And there's the neighbours' chattering sound,
lil kids' giggling voice,
and of coz,
the family reunions..
What a wonderful night it would be... XD

Mysterious flame, the unyielding strength beholding many untold stories...

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all!!! =)

Monsters, here a piece of our memory that day...

Playing candles like lil' kids... XD

p.s. Finally got to eat with Xian and Happy Bday Jane!



yiipin said...

中秋节快乐!哈哈!i love tis song!! everytime it reminds me of the day we organise the mooncake festival event in chan wa...=]

ShyuanT said...

Happy mid-autumn! =)
Those days....