1. Botak (a.k.a 阿牛) from 初恋红豆冰: 他的细心,纯真,坚强...
2. 打架鱼 (初恋红豆冰) 她够洒脱、够胆、够力 XD
- 从没发现大马电影能有那么单纯却深奥的想法,绝对叙述着平凡大马人的生活。 一个字:赞!
3. Ella from Enchanted: the brave one, for her kindheartedness, the way she talks back..
4. The lil' elf for his BIG DREAMS! Who says elfs are destined to sing and dance??
- 2nd time I'm watching it. Still mesmerized by the rhythm of their verbal comm. Fascinating!
5. 第36个故事的 朵儿 & 蔷儿。她们的爽朗,她们的直率,她们的性格,她们那么确定自己要的是什么, 她们那么的坦白... 那么的... 自由。
- 一个字:酷!电影里的咖啡屋超吊的。人真的能够活得那么的随心所欲吗? 想做就去做,就那么的简单!
My mind's bursting with so many ideas which it cannot withhold all of them. So much to say, so much to do, so much to explore... Boy, do I love this live!!!! hahaha...
hahahaha! ya, the ice kacang puppy love realli out of my expectation! great job ah niu!! realli a nice movie! i wanna watch it again.. XD enchanted~when she sing is so lovely n funky too, haha! the last movie is the one i havent seen be4..hehe.
btw, i love tat song too!
Haha.. The last movie is one of those Taiwan movie where the scene flow is slow and there are loads of life philosophies. Am sotta in such movies lately. You should watch it. =)
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