Monday, October 30, 2017

Good day!

I guess today is one of those days that I feel more inspired and energetic as usual.
It's funny how these things actually translates to how I behave, and that even sis could spot that I am extra chatty and cheerful than other days (Not that I am normally gloomy, but I am just a lil' more hyped up than usual).

Its' funnny how discovering about yourself could make one feel so much better in terms of coming into terms of my feelings and suspicions.
What happened today?

Well, it has to start yesterday when I managed to do something right and stayed at grands.
It resulted in early rising and a earlier head start on this beautiful day,
Which then led to earlier arrival and the opportunity to go through the entire service.
And with service, it was a reminder of how we as a church should move in order to receive and spread grace.
Though this ain't the first time I've heard of it, it was refreshing listening to the lesson with my homies, hopefully it sparks some hope in our future...

In the second session, we were given a chance to learn about our 4-alphabet types and understand the roles we play in church,
Never have I imagined that personality tests could be applied in the roles we play in church, was like the gates of enlightenment opened and much of what we have been feeeling all this while fell into words, and words explained some kind of phenomena a few of us were trying to explain but yield no results.
It was rather lonely, but it feels great when someone explains the inner conflicts and monologues one may experience to the entire congregation, it seems like a pass to be who I've wanted to be or what i really am without all the judgements...
It just felt great to have insights even though I knew my personality type long time ago.
The future is bleak still, but at least we should still be the good news people, there's still hope.

An idealist can dream dreams, and may this idealist's dreams come true!

It was a great day, grands was superb and it made me feel like a proud parent just looking into a contented grands... Aww....

On side note, Kleff Eco-film fest was superb. Had the privilege of watching one of it's session, it was insightful and delightful. Just hoped that when people watched them, it stirs something deep inside them and actions can be taken care of.

P/S : I also got mysel a Nature Core lap desk which I absolutely love!!

There's so much to be done for the environment, we have to learn to contribute by at least decreasing our rubbish amount!

It's just a great day and I'm contented.
Thank you Lord for this wonderful day! =)
Thanks Uncle E for the reflections.
Thanks to all Eco warriors or the work to protect Mother Nature.
Thanks to the fambam and grans!

Bon Iver / Birdy - Skinny Love

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