Wednesday, May 7, 2014

B team, B stands for BEST

This post was meant to be posted two weeks ago... But I didn't manage to click on the 'post' button, coz I really didn't want to say good bye....  But I am really touched right now, my heart feels a tinge of sadness mixed with a pinch of happiness.... J really made me feel like crying....

This part is written last week, when it was my last .

Everytime I listen to 'All of Me', my heart skips a beat.
It's really beautiful~~~
Am glad that it's also W's favourite song. =)

Have been on an euphoric mode the past two days.
I am just overjoyed..
The people around me,
Ivy, Jah, Ai, J, Linda and the lecturers were all so kind to me..
It's a bit overwhelming as they do many things that my own family and friends won't do for me.
They tell me what should I do in desperate occasions,
always there to my rescue whenever I meet difficult students,
made sure I was alright throughout my whole course of working with them,
saw that something was wrong with my legs asked me and scolded me for not going to the Dr.,
being the only people who replies to my funky lil' moves,
going along with whatever silly little tricks I was plotting,
taking pics even though they don't want to because I asked them to,
bringing me out for meals,
taking such a great care of me...
They get angry when I was 'bullied' by others,
knowing that I love to eat,
they made sure I get to try all sorts of food.

Oh ya, I shouldn't forget JG as well. The one who took the initiative to make sure I know what to do in US from head to toe.... Thanks dude! ^^

They always say they will miss me... They love me a lot...
Even my family don't say that to me that often.
Haha... I am the one who will miss them dearly. 

For the past four months, they have been my friends, sisters and family...
I don't know how to write out how I am feeling right now,
but it's joyful + Sad at the same time...

Lord, you blessed me with all sorts of good things,


A tragic news was delivered last Sat morning,
a great man, Mr. Kenneth Phun was announced to have passed away in his sleep in a church retreat at Frasers Hill....
I woke up, reading this sad news on my tablet,
and I can feel that the rest of the gals were as shocked as me even though we didn't meet face to face...

I felt really bad as I remembered my last thought of him wasn't a good thought and I left without saying goodbye that day. I can't believe that I would never get to do that again...
Guilt can be a painful thing....
But lucky for me, W said something which makes sense:
We shouldn't rule out what a person has done just because they have passed away...
Yeah, many times we feel bad for not have much fond memories about a person
and feel that we should not think of them at all...
But the truth is, the person impacted us when they are alive and no matter whether we have good or bad memories of the person, we should not pretend that whatever that happened did not happen at all.

Guess this helped me realize that it's self-inflicted guilt and I should remember both the happy and not so happy memories of Mr. Kenneth, the jolly HOD who always have time to play. =)

This tragic event allowed me to stay at the department for one more day.
We went to the wake together... And I am glad I went with them...
Tthe wake of this jolly man who had obviously inspired so many people throughout his life and is resulted by the number of people who came to attend his wake service.

I stumbled upon something which made me realize how much of a sister J is to me.
I am ever so blessed to be able to meet people who loves and care about me.
Now I have a keychain named after me!!! Hehehe...Feel so honoured and touched! Hehehe.... =D

Now I don't feel so reluctant to leave as I know I will be back and meet all of them again soon~
The one extra day I had is sufficient to know that our friendship will last for a long time. ^^

My Family, the people who had been my world for the past few months, who supported me in everything that I did... I cannot thank you all enough for being so amazing and for making me feel so wonderful...

Through the Fire-Chaka Khan

1 comment:

Hui Min said...

Hi shyuan haha its amazed to find out that you still keep up with your blogging. Happy to see you here XD