Friday, August 5, 2011

Tuesdays with Morrie

I would really like to have a professor like Morrie.
Someone you can really talk to,
who listens and gives you the answers that you had been searching all your life...
Seriously, can a person be as wise and as optimistic as him?
He's truly someone who is well-liked,
strong, keen, cheerful, hilarious, knowledgeable...
His words are wise...

" We must love one another, or die..." (Yeah, its quoted)
" When you learn how to die, you learn how to live..."
" Love always wins..."
" Tuesdays, we are Tuesday people..."

He lived his life doing what he loves best,
Teaching, dancing and eating...
And when he knows that he's dying...
he had to give up the latter two...
but continued the only thing he can possibly do...
Everyone needs someone like him...
The words uttered from his mouth,
its like gold we should treasure and apply in our lives.
Like scriptures,
but his words comes from his personal experience. (And more of a personal thought)
The lesson of life..
How much about it each and everyone of us know?
What do you want to do if you are given 24 hours of a perfect day??

Tuesdays with Morrie,
a marvelous show which talks about the basics of life...
Inspiring, heartwarming and funny...
Watch and learn...

Morrie mentioned something about listening to the bird on your shoulders...

Is there really a bird?

p/s: Janine in the movie sang a beautiful song....


Kaijun said...

wish to be wisdom?
be observable~~
open your eyes, you will observe many unexpected answer you are searching on the life.

btw, good show.
will watch it with got time~

ShyuanT said...

Yeah.. Observation is also very important... But we have to learn in the process... Hehe.... Strongly recommend it. Muz watch! =)