Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stand Out Mini Charity Concert

Hey guys, juz wanna share about a little event I'm doing now...
I have this desire to do something which combines the two things I love,
Music and aiding...
And I am about to make it happen...

This event is called Stand Out! Mini Charity Concert
Which means that we want people to stand out and give to others,
Stand Out to make a change in the lives of others...
To stand out for those who needs a hand,
for people to stand out and make an effort to aid the souls out there who are less fortunate,
to allow people to stand out it showing their talents,
and also to stand out in making a change in our own lives by sharing a portion of them with others.

I don't have ambitious target, juz a small amount from everyone will do.
Coz in my mind, a little strength from everyone can really move mountains,
Little small effort from everyone can change the world....
All I want it for people to chirp in small amounts cheerfully....
To know that every cent they are giving will help a person have another hope in life...

A few performance will be lined out for everyone to watch,
though they might not be the best ever performance you will see,
but at least you can see their efforts....
A sign of appreciation for your cheerfulness...
They are also need your support to give them courage to get on stage again...

We just want to help people,
and hopefully you do too.

Do join us on the 27th Aug, this Sat, 4.30pm-6.00pm, at Seremban Church of Christ.
I want to make it straight here that it is not a church event, and am not trying to change your religion, it is only the church premise we are using to make the small desire of mine happen.
Its something personal, so don't hesitate to come.

Hope to see you there. =)

p/s: A little boy broke his piggy bank just to give every penny he had to help others even before the day of the event. I am so touched by his big heart and also the innocence he had with him. Thank you so much, Tim, you gave me the strength to move on. Also to the Lord who created someone as kind as him, You are the Sole, Mighty and Powerful... THANK YOU!!!

Amazing Grace by anyone who sings it with his/her heart

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