Monday, April 9, 2018

Letting Go Again

So, I've finally revamped my blog again. This is more customized as I used one of my pictures as the background. Although am not sure it makes this space looks more comfortable, it's a huge leap for me to not hold on to the past as I've been telling myself for years to change the layout, update the pictures and delete obsolete links that no longer existed. But yet, there's this little tug in me that always say 'stop' when I was ready to click the 'save settings' button.

So a lil' pat on my back to finally de-clutter stuff that are no longer irrelevant to my world today. Bye bye past, and hello fresh blog!

It's amazing how it has been 10 years since I first blogged in this space. Am no where near being a successful blogger, nor do I have any consistent readers out there, it's a space that I am contented in sharing pieces of my mind with the world, with occasion new and old visitors.

If you are return visitor, my heart shouts a huge 'YOU ARE AWESOME' to you and giving you a virtual hug. And if you are a new visitor, welcome to my humble space and hope that you didn't feel that it's a waste of time stopping by.

A BIG Thank you for those who clocked the little number of views I have, it encourages me that it ain't zero most of the time and at least I know, at least, someone out there views this space.

It's funny how I looked back at my drafts and did not have the courage to publish even though this tiny space is so secluded from the world, and yet, I still can't foster that bit of strength to click 'publish' now. Haha... If you are reading this, at least this get published! 'YAY!'

Till my next post, my wish is that you will stay true to yourself even though it means letting go of your past (if it makes sense). Or rather, stay true to your current self, embrace who you are and do not let the past drag you on... (Oh wells, hope I made some sense there.)


♫ Somebody that I Used to Know - Covered by Walk off the Earth (They are such a cool band)

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