Thursday, September 6, 2012

Maxim Vangerov

Spent hours watching classical videos and was totally blown off by this young man.
His name?
Maxim Vangerov.
Someone share his performance playing Thai Meditation,
and yeps, that's the song I've been looking for all this while...
The 1st note he played captured me till the end...
He played like he's been playing for a century...
As though he was in his world,
where there is no one else but him and the violin.
The coolest thing was,
he played the Sibelius concerto for half and hour,
standing in front of the stage,
with the majestic orchestra behind and
playing to his heartstrings...
Later I stumbled upon a video which features his masterclass.
He taught four young proteges (I may say) a unique approach to present songs...
In which his secret was to visualize the music in their minds,
and tell the story with the violin...
Then, he was only 24...
So young yet so mature, so talented and soulful...
Never thought that we can actually interpret a piece using our way,
and tell stories using people's music.
The whole 45 minutes was indeed facinating...

It really inspires me to want to be like him,
to play like nothing else matters,
to play like I owned the world...

Maxim Vangerov, thank you!
I really miss vio right now...

Tchaikovsky's violin Concerto

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Simple Quiet Night

A night drenched in good music.

Am totally WOW-ed by the number of talents we have in this world.
Juz by randomly clicking on random links got my goosebumps up.
Mezmerized by the mind lingering melodies,
coupled with voices which pulls your heartstrings...
Simply wonderful.

A couple of years ago,
was juz chilling in my living room,
watching anything that was on TV,
there was a man who left a really deep mark in my mind.
As AGT was airing,
I sat there watching auditions to auditions... until this man came...
I forgot what was his name,
but he looked and sound as normal and silly as one could be...
As he talked about himself during the introduction session,
no one knew what he'd got in him,
everyone (me included) was expecting something rather normal,
as though nothing spectacular would come out of this man with a cap wore towards the back, in a huge jacket and old jeans..
But there's something in him which kept me wondering....
No one would ever guessed that this timid man would change our lives...
(At least mine...)
The 1st note he sung,
caught me immediately...
Goosebumps rises,
time seems to freeze as he delivers his song,
the emotions and intensity...
It was juz one word....'WOW'!
And I know I'll never forget this skinny farmer who WOWed everyone with a simple performance,
with key ingredients:his infectious voice and simple rhythms of a guitar.

One thing I regretted not doing is that I did not catch his name...
And there goes my intentions to use the search engine...
I thought I can never get to know more about him again...

Until... Today...
He appeared on one of the sidebars of the video I was watching...
Two words 'Emotional Performance',
and I know I've found him once again...
And again,
his voice charmed me over again...
His name is Kevin Skinner... I will remember this name for good! haha...
You'll know what I mean by watching this. =)

Another stunning performance of a guy from AGT too...
Found him by accident too...
Matt Cardle... Listen and you'll understand...

The Lord is so great, 
Creating such wonderful talents so that they can influence the word slowly,
by using their best assets, the gift from God...
Thank you so much for providing so much wonderful music on earth...
THank you Father!
 What an AWESOME night to do some thinking...=)

Life's like a rainbow, 
we never know when a will rainbow appears until we see it...

Ciaos~ =)

Sunday, March 18, 2012


New post after a long time, entitled AWESOME!
Am above my head right now~~ Way up high…
Couldn’t believe how the Lord works in such wonderful ways…
Just wanna say, music is awesome,
And being able to perform with people who click so much with ya,
When all of you sing, it just feels so right…
Yea, that simple magical moment…
Maybe He heard my call the want to do something impromptu,
A gig perhaps… or maybe just a stage,
There, chance appeared, we took it,
And transformed it into this tingly feeling I have now,
Keeping our melody in my head going round and round
Thank you so much gals!
It feels so AWESOME to be random sometimes!!!
Wanted to share some pics of the AWESOME moments...
But we hadn’t had much pics... 
Which made me think, why do we sometimes, 
Take tons of random pictures for no reason,
and when that IT moment comes which you dwell into it so much,
I find that there aren’t much tangible evidence of that awesome IT moment…
Yes, maybe we are all so sure that the moment we are experiencing the precious IT,
It will be embedded into our minds forever.
Yes, that’s how I feel now and that’s how I see…
The certainty that all of us felt the same kind of butterflies, caterpillars or whatsoever in our bodies…
Sure that we are all on the same page….
No matter if we did it well, or if we made a mistake...
Nothing matters....

Life’s beautiful…. Music rocks… And I’m contented.
Thank you for giving to the Lord…  Del, Shuli….
Thank You for being so AWESOME my Lord!!!
 Life’s AWESOME!!! =)

“I won’t give up on us… Even if the skies get rough,
\I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up…”

I Won’t Give Up-Jason Mraz

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Happy new Year peeps!
The 1st post of 2012, cheers!!
Life had been great ever since I lead my new life,
Exams, holidays, outings, Christmas, New Year, more holidays...
It was a pretty great year as I started a new kind of living,
the education I wanted,
the institution I dreamt of,
the event I've always pictured myself doing,
places I never thought of traveling,
meeting people I will regret not knowing,
not to forget, achieving most of my dreams and goals,
getting everything I wanted,
going on the slow pace with all the people I will ever need.
Life's great! Close to perfect.
Year 2011 really did me well,
and I praise God for that! Thank you!!!!

Now 2012,
hadn't thought much of what to achieve
since I've done most of it...
Anyway, live goes on...
No matter what,
nothing should stop us from moving forward,
this is what I truly believe.

Watched a few mind-changing movies these couple of weeks.

First comes is We Bought a Zoo.
Sometimes what we as human need,
is truly 20 seconds of embarrassing courage
to do the things you'd never pictured yourself doing. 
Yea, like buying a zoo... 
The simple concept that the absolute partner comes one in a lifetime and 
mere courage changes practically everything made the show whole.
Matt Damon with his outstanding skill of handling his roles,
Real life animals who moves heartstrings,
the simple moral behind the whole story,
and the best part is,
the story happened in reality...
A five Star movie
Do watch it if you feel that there's nothing much to look forward to... =)

Another captivating story, 
which really got my attention is an old movie,
Freedom Writers.
Yea, a Hilary Swank movie.
A story about racism,
and how integration began...
An issue that needs the attention of each and everyone of us,
even till this day...
The small little voice of everyone needs to be heard,
to make the world a better place.
Who says the power of an individual cannot change the world?
As long as we believe that we what we do will make a difference,
it will.
Was driven off by the persistence of Ms.
her vision of seeing a clean and fair system,
where everyone gets equal treatment.
Everyone has their own story to tell, 
it's up to us to hear them out or turn a deaf ear...
For me, everyone tends to be a little racist in their own way,
maybe it's due to egocentrism, I'm not sure...
Do watch this show and see if it voice out to you
as loud as it did to me. =)

Am wishing everyone to have a colourful 2012,
everyone's important.
we're all part of an important system.

 p.s.: Drew and Chris, I'll always root for ya guys! Continue to change the world with your music!!! RAWR~~~ 

Bound To You-Drew